Pob tudalen â rhagddodiad
- raam
- rabbit
- rabbits
- rabble
- rabid
- race
- races
- racialism
- racialisms
- racialist
- racialists
- racism
- racisms
- racist
- racists
- radiation
- radiation from the Sun
- radiations
- radicalaidd
- radii
- radio
- radio wave
- radio waves
- radioactive
- radis
- radish
- radishes
- radisys
- radius
- radiuses
- radiwm
- radon
- ragged
- railway
- railways
- rain
- rain cats and dogs
- rainbow
- rainbows
- raincoat
- rains
- rainstorms
- rainy
- raise someone's hackles
- raisin
- raisins
- rake
- rakennusmies
- rakes
- rally
- ram
- rama
- ramble
- ramen
- ramme
- rammer
- rams
- rand
- randen
- range
- rank
- ranks
- ranska
- rape
- rape apologist
- rapes
- rapist
- rapists
- rappeler
- rapport sexuel
- rappresentante
- rar
- rare
- ras
- rasau
- rascal
- rasio
- raspberries
- raspberry
- rassen
- rasys
- rat
- rate
- rate of photosynthesis
- ratelpopulier
- ratio
- ration
- rats
- rauta
- razones
- razor
- razón
- reach
- reach out
- react
- reaction
- reaction time
- reactions
- read
- readable
- reader
- readers
- readiness
- readings
- ready
- ready money
- real
- real-time
- real time
- realise
- realities
- realize
- realtime
- reapers
- reason
- reasonable
- reasoning
- reasonings
- rebate
- rebates
- rebel
- recede
- receipt
- receive
- reception
- receptions
- receptor
- receptor cell
- recesses
- rechthoek
- recipes
- recipient
- recitation
- recitations
- recite
- recoger
- recognise
- recognition
- recognitions
- recognize
- recollection
- recollections
- recombination
- recombinations
- recombine
- recommend
- recommendations
- reconcile
- reconnaître
- record
- recordings
- recordio
- recreational
- recta
- rectangle
- rectangles
- rectangular
- rectymau
- recueillir
- recycle
- red
- red-light district
- red-light districts
- red blood cells
- red carpet
- redder
- redek
- reduce
- reduced
- reductions
- redya
- ree
- reede
- reeling
- refer
- reference
- references
- refine
- refined
- reflective
- reflex action
- reflex angle
- reflex arc
- refrain
- refresh
- refrigeration
- refrigerator
- refunds
- refuse
- regal
- regel
- regen
- regenachtig
- regenerate
- regeren
- regering
- regieren
- region
- regions
- register
- regler
- regnefærdighed
- regular
- regulate
- reiat
- reidio
- reinforce
- reis
- reizen
- reject
- rejected
- rejoice
- rejse
- rejsende
- rejser
- related
- relationship
- relationships
- relative
- relatively
- relatives
- relax
- relay
- release
- relevant
- reliable
- religieus
- religijny
- religion
- religions
- religious
- reluctant
- remainders
- remarkable
- remember
- remembrance
- remembrances
- remind
- reminders
- remote
- remote control
- remote controls
- remove
- remön
- renal artery
- renal vein
- renard
- rende
- renew
- rennen
- renouveler
- rent
- repair
- reparere
- repas
- repeat
- repent
- repentant
- repetir
- repetitive
- replenish
- repoblek
- repollo
- report
- reporter
- reporters
- reports
- represent
- representante
- representation
- representations
- representative
- representatives
- reprezentant
- reproach
- reproduce
- représentant
- reptile
- reptiles
- repubblica
- republic
- republican
- republicans
- republics
- republiek
- republik
- republikaner
- republikanere
- republikker
- repugnant
- república
- request
- resbiradaeth
- resbiradaeth aerobig
- resbiradaethau
- rescue
- research
- researcher
- resek
- resemble
- reset
- resident
- residential
- residents
- resign
- resistance
- resistances
- resistant
- resistant plant
- resort
- resorts
- resound
- resources
- respect
- respectable
- respekt
- respektere
- respektfuld
- respiration
- response
- responses
- responsibilities
- responsibility
- respont
- respuesta
- rest
- restaurant
- restaurants
- restless
- restore
- restricted
- result
- resultat
- resultater
- results
- resurrect
- retail
- retailers
- retain
- rete
- retina
- retreat
- retrete
- rette